Translational research projects

In addition to its range of shorter-term activities, the HC Coombs Policy Forum commissions longer translational research projects in close consultation with government. The Forum has developed a methodology for these projects which involves bringing together multi-disciplinary groups (both academic and government), conducting and publishing literature reviews to enable learning from past experience, and highlighting key future issues based on this evidence base and broad consultation. Each project culminates in a final synthesis report. Examples of projects now underway include:

Grappling with complex policy challenges: exploring the potential of visualisation technologies for analysis, advising and engagement

The HC Coombs Policy Forum, in partnership with the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) and with the engagement of the Australian Public Service has committed to support a series of exploratory roundtables and publications during 2011 and early 2012 with practitioners and scholars that will:

  • identify different modeling and visualisation techniques for capturing, analysing, and sharing information on complex policy challenges;
  • review their advantages and limitations; and
  • consider how different approaches can best be adapted for use in different policy analysis, policy advisory, and stakeholder engagement processes.


Reading material

Integrated Natural Resource Management and regional policy and planning

In response to a request from the Australian Government, the HC Coombs Policy Forum, in partnership with the Fenner School of Environment and Society, is supporting a joint initiative on integrated Natural Resource Management (NRM) and regional policy and planning.

The project is a collaboration between the Australian National University and the Australian Government Departments of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC) and Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). It will inform the Australian Government’s major review of the Caring for our Country program, which is taking place in 2011.


National Energy Security Assessment Methods Advancement Project (NESAMAP)

The HC Coombs Policy Forum is joining with the Commonwealth Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) for the National Energy Security Assessment Methods Advancement Project (NESAMAP). This project aims to support the methodological advancement of Australia’s NESA which was launched in 2007 and which provides an integrated picture of Australia’s energy security position covering the adequacy, reliability and affordability of liquid fuels, natural gas and electricity both currently and in the short to long-term. The Forum will work closely with the new Energy Change Institute (ECI) at ANU which draws together expertise in different aspects of energy technologies and policy.

On 10 May 2011 the HC Coombs Policy Forum held a scoping workshop on the NESAMAP project. The materials from this workshop are available here.

On 13 December 2011, Minister Ferguson released the 2011 National Energy Security Assessment (NESA) in conjunction with the release of the draft Energy White Paper .

These documents and further information are available on the NESA webpage of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

Updated:  11 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team