Taking science policy to Tokyo

Paul Harris appointed as Science Counsellor for Japan.

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Good things come in threes

Crawford School academics Professor Peter Drysdale, Dr Ann Nevile, Dr Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt and Dr Keith Barney have been awarded three high-profile Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage grants.

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Learning the lessons for success

Plugging into existing networks to improve R&D.

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Towards a science policy of ends, not just means

Recent science policy work by the Federal government has the potential to improve the links between public investment and desired impacts, writes Paul Harris.

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Bare minimum: unpicking the minimum wage

Australia needs to have a national conversation about the minimum wage, starting with breaking free from the short-term thinking of the annual negotiations, according to the author of a new report from The Australian National University.

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HC Coombs Policy Forum

The HC Coombs Policy Forum is a strategic collaboration between the Australian Government and ANU, at the Crawford School of Public Policy. It focuses on supporting policy-relevant exploratory and experimental work at the interface between government and academia. » read more

Policy Research Programs (PRPs)

The HC Coombs Policy Forum runs an integrated set of forward-looking Policy Research Programs (PRPs) on key policy challenges facing Australia.


This PRP draws on international comparative studies and analyses based on the ‘Intergenerational Report’ to explore and identify the roles of business, skills and education, workplace reforms and innovation, both public and private, in enhancing Australia’s long-term economic productivity.

» read more about productivity

Science, technology and public policy
Science, technology and public policy

Working in partnership with government and researchers from a wide range of disciplines, this PRP examines both ‘policy for science’ and ‘science for policy’ questions, for example measuring the impacts of public investments in research and the role of science as an input to policy.

» read more about science, technology and public policy

Policy futuers
Policy futures

Research on emerging trends and themes in Australian society and cross-sectoral consultation inform this PRP’s development of plausible futures for the nation. These scenarios will be used to test the rigour of current policy settings and to prepare for possible future policy challenges.

» read more about policy futures

Social policy, participation and population
Social Policy and Participation

This PRP supports policy development on workforce participation, alongside an examination of new social policy approaches and perspectives. It draws on domestic and international research and aims to broaden understanding of Australia’s workforce participation challenge and how future policy can meet both social and economic objectives.

» read more about social policy and participation


There are currently no upcoming events.

Future forum
Future forum

Does our prosperity depend on immigration?

As a ‘settler country’, immigration has played a massive role in crafting the Australia of today. Today, however, the issue proves as divisive as ever. What role should permanent and temporary migrants, skilled and unskilled, play in Australian society in the context of our ageing workforce? How well do humanitarian migrants, such as refugees and asylum seekers, integrate into society? Can Australia’s environment sustain a larger population in the long run? These questions, and many more, are debated on Future Forum.

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Updated:  15 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team